


一、小故事给我们的启示: 1.一位作家曾经对自己的作品“披阅十 载,增删五次”。请问这位作家是谁?这部 作品又叫什么?

曹雪芹 《红楼梦》

2.“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门”这脍炙人 口的诗句留下了一个文坛佳话,你能说出有 闲居少邻并, 草径入荒园。 关的两个人物吗? 鸟宿池边树, 僧敲月下门。

过桥分野色, 移石动云根。 暂去还来此, 幽期不负言。

贾岛《题李凝幽居 》


3.有这么一则故事:有一个地主,家里 开了一个酿酒的作坊,还喂了许多猪。要过 年了,就请了一位秀才替他写几个字,好为 来年讨个吉利。秀才便写了如下一些字: “肥猪大如山老鼠头头死 酿酒缸缸好造 醋坛坛酸”由于当时没有标点,财主看后大 发雷霆。秀才连忙解释,并读了一遍,财主 马上转怒为喜,摆宴席请秀才喝酒。请问: 财主大发雷霆是什么原因?秀才为什么让财 主破涕为笑?

肥猪大如山老鼠,头头死 ; 酿酒缸缸好造醋,坛坛酸 肥猪大如山,老鼠头头死 ; 酿酒缸缸好,造醋坛坛酸

• 得出启示:

文章不厌百回改 细枝末节也关键 字斟句酌出佳作 努力当从今日始

• 二、拟题:


《父爱是座山》、《五月榴花红似火》、 《我是一只快乐的小狐狸》、 《父爱将我举过命运的栏杆》……


《为你打开一扇门》 《毛毛虫小传》、《怀念狼》


《业精于勤益于嬉 》 《海内存知己,天涯若比邻 》

• 三、内容:

有感而发,学会感悟。 构思文路,确定提纲,再写文章。 字迹工整,内容完整、言简意赅. 【段落、标点符号应注意】

• 五、自己修改:

一、读第一遍,要求查找:用词造句上 的不足,划出来,改正。 二、读第二遍,检查 立意、选材、结 构形式、写作手法等方面有哪些优点与不足。 三、读第三遍,要求润色:细节描写、 结构形式上值得推敲之处,修改。



最近和几位女友聊天,大家都不约而同地提到了“幸 福”二字。我吃惊地发现,居然有一半人觉得自己不幸福。 晶说:依我看,幸福就是能随心所欲。所以我羡慕那 些有丰厚经济基础的人,衣食无忧,不为生活所迫,可以最 大可能地满足自己的心愿。 凯说:我认为,幸福就是享福。我总是觉得很多人都 比我幸福—— 人家自己创业成功,从此不再受老板的气; 人家有份好工作,可以经常见世面;人家…… 云说:我觉得,幸福就是能够心想事成。可是你看我, 虽然有一个不错的男友,但是在外地工作;虽然有个喜欢的 职业,但是太大;虽然攒够了钱

想去巴黎,但是一直抽 不出时间;还有……

真的吗?幸福真的这么难寻?为什么很多人眼 里的幸福都在别的人身上出现? 我想起了两个月前去洛杉矶,在圣塔莫尼卡的 海滩上遇到的一对韩国老夫妇。那天,天空很蓝, 海面翻卷着白浪。我们注意到,在一个高山海滩的 土坡上,有成群的白色海鸟起起落落。走近一看, 那对老夫妇正在从小麻袋里掏出食物喂它们。看得 出来,老夫妇和这些海鸟很熟,因为几乎每一只鸟 他们都能叫得出名字来,还指指点点对我们说哪只 鸟最调皮,哪只鸟最近刚做了妈妈。原来,老夫妇 住在这里已经七年多了,七年中的每一天下午,他 们都会来喂海鸟。“我们都觉得这是生命中的幸福 时光。”老夫妇对我们说,“大自然这么美,我们 觉得只有做点什么才能回馈。”

现在,回过头来再想“幸福”二字,我很想 说——有的时候,是不是因为我们过于物质化,而 人为地夸大了幸福的标准,把幸福当作是一种可以 炫耀的外表?或者是说,我们眼里的幸福,太多地 与个人物质欲望的满足联系在一起,以致于当我们 得不到满足,就会心生怨气?也许,正是因为我们 现有的思维方式和处世方式,影响了我们对幸福的 感受。 当然,生活中仍然会有很多的不如意,但这些 不如意不足以改变我们对幸福的体验。对,幸福是 一种体验,是每个小小心愿的满足就能给你带来的 美好感觉。好比,有人爱是一种幸福;有人分担苦 恼是一种幸福;有人愿意一直等着你也是一种幸福。

想一想能够让我们感到幸福的那一刻——第一 次见到大海,站在海边久久地享受着温柔的海风; 又饥又累的旅行途中,吃了一顿香喷喷的饭;燥热 的夏日午后,坐在清凉的家中做自己喜欢做的事; 所以说,幸福是朴实的。它存在于生活中的每 时每刻。它不一定是物质的,也不能够量化。要获 得它并不难——只需要你有一颗懂得欣赏、充满感 激、安宁的心。

大家分组研讨,讨论本文的写作目的、 主题、好的语段等,也可谈谈感受。

七、作业: 写一篇以“快乐”为题目的记叙文。 要求: 字数500字以上。 注意书写格式。 不得出现真实校名、姓名。

篇二:七年级上册语文作文_700字人 作教 文版 教七 学年 设级 计上 册


 以教材的单元作文教学体系为纲,按照作文教学的一般流程进行设 计。  激趣导入:或设置合适的作文教学情境,激发写作兴趣  专题指导:学生了解相关作文知识,传授写作技巧  学生作文:学生根据作文训练目标、作文题目要求完成写作  佳作共赏:学生写作范文、老师的下水文  修改作文:学生根据写作目标、对照例文进行作文修改。 基本模式:指导——写作——修改——讲评——修改 (先教后写) 其它模式:先写后教(以写定教)  学生自主写作——在老师批阅后指导下修改作文  这样就能够有针对性地指导学生修改作文,甚至再进行二次作文, 这种方法很接地气,也是扎实有效的。  无论是先教后写,还是再写后教,可以根据学生的实际情况,作文 题目、训练目标的难度灵活把握。


      怎样选择范文 首先根据写作训练的目标确定范文。 选择经典名篇、教师下水文、学生习作 其次根据写作的内容确定范文。 易写:选择立意深刻、选材新颖的范文 难写:选择多个角度、多种体裁的范文


      怎样让范文发挥应有的作用 传授知识,训练技巧,拓展思维,范文先行。 1、技法传授,范文示例 余映潮老师 《叙议结合,叠加反复》 2、多篇范文,拓宽视野 强化认识,修改促进,范文后用。


 1、束缚思维,捆绑思路  2、依赖范文,丧失独立思考、独立写作的 能力


 阅读与写作有机结合 ,相互促进  内容多样化,技巧典型化  题目尽量能够激发学生的写作兴趣,让学生 有话可说,有话能说。



My room

This is a picture of my room. It’s not big. The bed is next to the wall and my hat is on the bed. My TV set is between the dresser and the sofa. What’s on the sofa? There is my backpack, a ruler and my watch. I often watch TV after I finish my homework. I like reading books. And I have a lot of books. They are in my bookcase. I often do my homework on the desk. Now an English book is on it. It’s a nice room.

Sports collection

My friend Frank has a great sports collection. He has 7 basketballs, 6 baseballs, 3 volleyballs, 4 footballs. He has 8 tennis rackets and 2 ping-pong bats. He plays sports every day. He also watches soccer games on TV.

Different likes

Rose and Tom are good friends. But they have different likes. Rose likes strawberries a lot. But Tom doesn’t like them at all. Rose doesn’t like bananas and meat. But Tom likes them very much. Do they have the same favorite? Yes. They both like French fries very much, because they taste very good.

Introduce yourself

My name is Jim Green. I am twelve years old and I am an English boy. Now I study in No.3 Middle School and I am in Class 3, Grade

1. My teacher is Miss Brown. I like her very much. I like playing basketball and soccer, but I don’t like to make friends in China. I live in No.8 King Street, London. My telephone number is 34567898 and my E-mail is . I think we can be good friends.

Sports collection

Peter is a boy. He is 8. He likes sports very much. He has a small sports collection. He likes soccer ball very much. He has lots of friends at school. Peter has breakfast and lunch at school. He has dinner at home. He eats lots of healthy food. He has eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast. He has hamburgers, salad and oranges for lunch. For dinner, he has chicken and vegetables. He plays sports and eats healthy food, so he is very healthy.

My e-pal (pen friend)

I have an e-pal. She is an American girl. She is form New York. Her name is Annie. She is tall and thin with glasses. She has yellow hair. She loves playing computer games, singing and listening to music. She likes apples best. She likes sports, too. Tennis is her favorite sport. But she doesn’t like science. And she doesn’t like math, either.


 翻开语文书,除了看到一篇篇有趣的 课文,一幅幅精彩的图画,你有没有 发现藏在语文书里的故事?

 它们有的藏在成语中,如“立雪求 道”“叶公好龙”的故事;有的藏在 课文里,如《闻官军收河南河北》的 背景故事,发生在《林冲棒打洪教头》 前后的故事......通过阅读,找找语文 书里的故事,,选一两个写下来。也 可以写写你从故事中得到的启示。

 语文书里有一篇课文叫《负荆请罪》,你知道吗 在这个故事之前还有一个故事呢,下面我就讲给 你们听听: 战国时有一个著名的****家、外交家 叫蔺相如,他胆识超群,而且机智聪明。在赵惠 王统治时期,有一个姓和的人把一块美玉(璧) 献给了赵王,秦国的国王秦昭王听说此事后,也 非常想得到那块璧,就派人向赵王请求,假装用 十五座城去换那块璧。 赵惠王也完全知道那是个骗局,城是绝对不会给 的。但要是不将璧给秦王,又怕秦国会借机侵入 赵国。于是,就派蔺相如带璧出使秦国,要他做 到既不失璧,又能揭穿秦昭王骗局。

 蔺相如带着璧来到了秦国,恭敬地将璧献给秦王。 秦昭王看后爱不释手,却只字不提割城给赵国的 事。

蔺相如马上灵机一动,说:“大王,其实这块璧 有斑点,让我指给你看。”秦王很震惊,就把璧 交给了他。蔺相如拿到璧后,就说:“我将璧给 了您,可大王您却不提割城给我国。如果您 不割的话,那么我就把这璧打碎。”

秦昭王担心玉毁了,就只好假惺惺地让人拿出地 图割城给赵国。蔺相如明白那只不过是演一场戏, 便又说:“这样的好玉给你们,你们秦国必须举 行很大的庆祝活动,否则我们就不给。”

 这个故事我们遇到困难要 用自己的智慧来战胜它,不退 缩,不害怕。我以后再遇到困难 时我一定会如蔺相如那样想办 法、尽自己的最大努力去战胜 它。




(一)My Friend(我的朋友)

I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years old.Her telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and Chiese.She often plays the piano. She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends.

我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。

(二)My Day(我的一天)

以 My Day(我的一天)为题,写一篇短文

I get up early at six every day. After doing some morning exercises, I read English for twenty minutes. At seven I have breakfast. After breakfast I take my schoolbag and go to school. Our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. After lunch at 12 o’clock, I take a short rest in the classroom. We have three more classes in the afternoon.After school at five , I go back home. I often help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I watch TV. After dinner, I begin to do my homework. Then I take a shower. I go to bed at nine thirty.


(三) My family(我的家庭)


Hello,everyone!I"m LiMei.Look! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He is 36. and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.


(四) 请根据以下条件写英语作文:






Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 6:40. We have five classes in morning.I do morning exercises at 10:25. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the room. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have history ,art and math. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My sister、brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.


一、我的家庭:My family

1、 Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter and the photo of your family. Now let me tell you about my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor. My sister is a student. She is 8 years old. I’m a student, too. This is my family.

Your friend,Bob

2、Hello! I’m Tom. Here is a photo of my family(或者:I have a happy family). There are

four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My mother is a teacher. She is very nice. My father is a doctor. He is very kind(和蔼的). My sister is a student. She is 8 years old. I’m a student, too. This is my family. What about your family? Can you tell me?



I lost a set of keys. My name is Jane. Please call me at 222-3333.


Is this your red pencil box? There is an eraser and a blue pencil. Please call John at 333-5555.

三、我的房间:My room

This is my room. It’s very clean and nice. There is a bed, a chair, a desk, and a bookcase

in my room. My books are in the bookcase. My computer is on the desk. The picture is on the wall. My shoes are under the bed. I love my room. What about your room? Can you tell me?

四、关于饮食习惯:My eating habit或者I eat well

I have three meals every day. They breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I like eggs and milk. But I don’t like bread. For lunch, I have rice and chicken. But I don’t like carrot. And for dinner, I like some bananas and ice-cream. But I don’t like apples. What about you? Can you tell me?


Huaxing Clothes Store

Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good price

prices. Do you like bags? We have blue bags for only $7. Do you need T-shirts? For boys, we have white T-shirts for only $6. For girls, we have skirts in pink for only $15. How much are our jackets? Only $25. Come to our store now!



Hello! I’m Tom. I’m a boy. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on May 7th. My telephone number is 222-6666. My favorite teacher is Mr. Wang. I like music because it is relaxing. I often play basketball with my friends after school. For food, I like apples and hamburgers. There are four people in my family. This is me!

My friend

I have a good friend. His name is Bob. He is a boy. He is twelve years old. His birthday is on May 7th. His telephone number is 222-6666. His favorite teacher is Mr. Wang. He likes music because it is relaxing. He often plays basketball with his friends after school. For food, he likes apples and hamburgers. There are four people in his family. This is my friend!


My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is English. It is easy and interesting. I like to sing English songs. I often read English books. I think it is useful for me. I can speak English very well. I like speaking English with my friends. We have English from Monday to Friday. I like my English teacher very much. He is very strict with us. What is your favorite subject?


My school day

I am very busy on Monday. I have math at 8:00. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have English. It is easy and fun. I have history at 10:00. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is my favorite subject. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00. I have two Chinese classes in the afternoon. How about you?


My favorite teacher

Mrs. Green is my favorite teacher. She teaches us English. She looks young. She has long hair and big eyes. She is kind to us. Her classes are very interesting. Her phone number is 123456. Apples are her favorite fruit. She likes playing tennis and reading books. Her birthday is on May

1st. She is a good teacher. We all like her.



Chapter 1




my family

my friend my hobbies

My family

There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father works in a factory. He is a clerk. My mother is a doctor. She likes her work. I am a middle school student. I like English, but I am not good at it. Every morning my parents go to work and I go to school. In the evening we have a good meal. Then we go out for a walk. We often talk about the sun, the moon and many other things during the walk. After we come back, my father often does some reading, mother watches TV and I do my homework. I feel very happy when we get together. I love my family. I love my parents.

你学到了什么? 1.There be 句型

2.Ever y morning my parents go to work and I go to school.【可应用】

3.I love my family. I love my parents.

I like basketball

I"m a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it"s interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O"Neal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He"s Chinese. He plays basketball well. He"s a center forward. He"s our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.This year"s champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest contenders. I like NBA. I love basketball.


I"m a tall and lively boy.【‘laɪvli】意思为:活泼的 I like playing basketball very much because it"s i n t e r e s t i n g . 【 你 可 以 写 I like doing something because it is······{boring,interesting······}但不能忘了like doing】 I like NBA. I love basketball.【很好的结尾】

My friend

I have many friends. But I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He helps others, he likes reading books, he knows many things, he is very helpful to us. He often helps me with my study, we are good friends, we often play games and do sports together. We enjoy ourselves every day. Li Lei is the person I like best.


I have many friends.But I like Li Lei best.【很好的开头】 He helps others, he likes reading books, he knows many things, he is very helpful to us.【可适合用任何 friend,但要记得改人称】 Li Lei is the person I like best. 【Good!】 例:Mary is the person I like best。 Coco is the pet I like best。

Chapter 2

Lorem ipsum dolor

Dear friend, Here is a poster: Music Lovers Wanted(招聘音乐爱好者) We need more music lovers in our club. Do you like music? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the violin, the piano, the guitar or the drums? If your answers are “yes”, then you can join our music club. Please call Gina at 612-5568. Yours, TOm

Home work

•看了上面的信,你知道写信的 一些要领了吗? •课后,尝试写一封小信给你的 同学吧! •说





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Unit 1

Hello. My name is Wang Bing. My first name is Bing and my last name is Wang. My phone number is 334-4556. I have a friend. Her name is Helen Brown. Helen is her first name and Brown is her last name. Her phone number is 0530-6543210. I have another friend. His name is Bob Miller. Bob is his first name and Miller is his last name. His phone number is 996-6780.

Unit 2

Dear Jenny,

This is my family photo. Look at the photo. This is my grandfather and that is my grandmother. This is my father and that is my mother. The boy is me. The girls are my sisters. I have a happy family and I love it very much!

Yours, Jim

Unit 3

Found: Is this your black schoolbag?

Please call Mary at 456-5787


Lost: My pencil case. Blue and white.

Call Tom at 123—9876


Unit 4

Dear Gina,

Please take these things to school: my English book, eraser, ruler and ID card. The English book is on the table. The eraser is under the bed. The ruler is in the drawer. The ID card is on the desk.



Unit 5

Jim, Dave and Tom are my friends. They like playing sports. Jim likes playing basketball, but he doesn’t like playing ping-pong. It’s boring for him. Dave likes playing soccer. He doesn’t like playing baseball. It’s difficult for him. Tom doesn’t like playing soccer. For him, it’s not interesting. He likes playing ping-pong.

Unit 6

Alice, Tom and I are good friends. Alice likes vegetable salad with tomatoes, salad and carrots. She likes the colors. She doesn’t like hamburgers. They’re not healthy food. Tom likes

Chinese food. It’s delicious. He likes apples and strawberries. They are healthy food. He doesn’t like carrots or eggs. He thinks they’re yucky. I like eggs, bananas and tomatoes. They’re healthy food. I don’t like ice-cream, because I don’t want to be fat.

Unit 7

Come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store! We sell sweaters for only $12. Do you like trousers? We have nice trousers at a very good price—only $9. We have great bags in red and white for only $10, and you can buy socks for only $1!

Please come and buy your clothes at our great sale!

Unit 8

I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is 12 years old. Her birthday is on December 6th. Her father’s birthday is on February 23rd, and he is 40 years old. Her mother’s birthday is on May 8th, and she is 37 years old. Mary has a brother, Tom. He is seven years old. His birthday is on June 14th.

Unit 9

My name is Yu Mei. I’m twelve. My favorite subject is math at school. I think it’s difficult but interesting. I like sports. My favorite sport is volleyball, because it’s relaxing. Bob is my good friend. He is twelve, too. His favorite subject is art. He

thinks it’s cool. His favorite sport is volleyball, too. He thinks it’s fun. After school, we play volleyball for an hour every day. We are happy.


My name is Li Lin. I’m 13. My birthday is on JUNE 8th. I like music and I can sing well. My favorite subject is geography because I think it’s very interesting. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. After class, I often play sports. I’m really very busy, but I’m happy every day.


My name is Jenny Green. My first name is Jenny and my last name is Green. I’m thirteen. My birthday is on December 8th. My favorite food are hamburgers and apples. I like them very much. I like sports. My favorite sport is tennis. I play tennis with my friends after school. My favorite subject is Chinese. It’s difficult, but I think it’s really cool and interesting.


作文 1My school (104词)

This is my school. It isn’t big but very nice.

There are many trees and flowers in our school. There are 3 grades and 24 classes in it.

There is a library, a lab , a dining halland a big playground in it. We have lunch in the dining hall and read books in the library. There are lots of books. The playground is in front of the library. After school , we often play football on it .The teachers and students in our school are very friendly(友好的) / good.

I love my school. Welcome to our school

作文2介绍家庭照 (88词)

This is a photo of my family.

These are my parents. My father is a worker at a factory. He can play basketball, but he can’t play tennis. My mother is an English teacher at a school. She can ride a bike, but she can’t drive a car. This is me. I am a student. I study at N0. 2 Middle School. I can speak English, but I can’t swim.

I love the photo of my family.


I have a small but happy family. There are 3 people in my family. They are my parents and me.

They love me and I love them, too.

My family我的家庭 (86词)

Hello! My name is Li Ming. I have got a big family. There are (有)8 people in my family. They are (他们是)my grandparents , my parents ,my aunt, my uncle, my cousin (表兄妹)and me.

My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor. My uncle and aunt are in China now. (现在)Theirdaughter Kate is in China,too.

I love my family.


自我介绍男 (90词)

My name is Tony. I’m 13 years old. I’m from China and I am a Chinese boy.

I study at NO.2 Middle School. I am in Class 7, Grade 1.There are 34 students in my class. I like swimming , but I don’t like watching TV. My favourite food is eggs and fish. They are healthy food. My favourite colour is red. My favourite lesson is English. Miss Chen is my English teacher. I can cook(做饭) , but I can’t play the piano.

自我介绍女 (60词)

My name is Lingling. I’m 13 years old. I’m from China. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m in Class Seven , Grade One. I like swimming and playing tennis. My favourite food is eggs and fish. My favourite colour is red. I can cook and ride a bike. Helen is my good friend.


My name is Grace. I am a Chinese girl. I am fourteen years old. I have got a big family .There are 7 people in my family.

They are my grandparents , my parents and I / me.I am a student from No. 2 Middle School . (我是一名来自二中的学生)

I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. My hobby is playing football. My phone number (我的电话号码)is 2434567.

作文4My friend (41词)

I have a new good friend. His name is Tony. He is 12 years old. He is in Class Four . Tony is from America. He is inChina. Sam and Helen are his good friends. They like China very much. My friend (93词)

I have a new good friend. His name is Tony. He is from China. He is (a) Chinese.

He is 12 years old. He is in Class Four , Grade One , at NO.2 Middle School. He is a good student. His favourite food is eggs. His favourite sport is playing football. His favourite animal is dogs. He can cook and ride a bike .

He has a small but happy family. There are 3 people his family. They are his parents and he.His parents love him and he loves them , too.

my class (66词)

My name is Wang Fang. I am from Beijing No 2 Middle School. I

am in Class Two , Grade Seven. There are 52 students in myclass. There are 29 boys and 23 girls . Jim is from England . He is English. Mike , Bill and Sandy are from America. We are friends. Mrs Black is our English teacher. We like English very much. in class 在课堂上 in my class 在我班上

作文5My school day 学校的一天(98词)

Hello ,my name is Betty. This is my school day.

I get up at six in the morning. I have breakfast at half past six. Then I go to school at seven. Lessons start at eight in the morning. We have 4 lessons in the morning. My favourite lesson is maths.

We have lunch in the dining hall at half past eleven. In the afternoon , there are three lessons. Lessons finish at half past four.

I do my homework at home. And then I have supper with my parents at six. I go to bed at nine.

Tony’s school day (117词)(注意动词的第三人称单数的问题)

I have a good friend. His name is Tony. This is his school day.

He gets up at 6:00 in the morning and has breakfast at 6:30 .Then he goes to school by bus. Lessons start at 8:00 in the morning. He has 4 lessons in the morning and 3 lessons in the afternoon. His favourite lesson is maths. He has lunch in the dining hall at 11:30. Lessons finish at 4:30.

After school, he often plays football with his friends. He goes home at about 5:00 and does his homework. And then he has supper with his parents. He goes to bed at 9:00.

Tony has a busy but happy day.

作文6 教室和我的位置 (61词)

I am in Class Seven, Grade One. This is my classroom. It is big and nice. There are 35 desks and chairs in my classroom. There are four windows in the wall. There is a map on the wall. I like my classroom.

I am behind Tony. And Betty is in front of me. Lingling and Daming are next to me. We are good friends.

作文7 最爱的食物(67词)

I have got a small family. There are 3 people in my family. They are my parents and me.

Meat and fish are healthy food. Noodles and rice are healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are healthy food, but hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy food. Juice, water and milk are healthy drinks, but Coke isn’t a healthy drink.

My favourite food is hamburgers.But they are not healthy food. My favourite drink is milk. My mother’s favourite food isnoodles. Her favourite drink is water. My father’s favourite food is rice. His favouritedrink is Coke. We should (应该)eat healthy food。 爱好(59词)

There are 3 people in my family. They are my parents and me. My father likes playing football and watching football on TV.

He doesn’t like reading books. My mother likes shopping and wearing silk shirts.She doesn’t like watching TV.I like swimming and seeing films. I often go to the cinema with my friends.

作文8 Tony’sbirthday 生日 (84词)

It’s Tony’s birthday on Sunday. He has a birthday party at his home. His mother makes / buys a birthday cake and cooks a big dinner for him. He always goes swimming with his father. Tony invites lots of friends to his party. He gets many presents from his friends. On his birthday, they have a big dinner. (吃大餐)And then they sing and dance .They say “Happy birthday ”to Tony. Tony is very happy.


1 我非常喜欢…

I like apples very much. I like English very much. I like shopping very much.


I like maths best = my favourite subject is maths. 不能说 I favourite maths.

I like tomatoes best= my favourite vegetable is tomatoes.

I like playing tennis best = my favourite sport is playing tennis = playing tennis is my favourite sport.





• 以my friend 为题根据提示写一篇短文。

• 提示:Ann有一个好朋友。他的名字是李平。他是中国人。今年14岁了。9月10日是他的生日。


My Friend

•Ann has a good friend. His name is Li Ping. He is Chinese. He is 14 years old. His birthday is

on September 10th. He likes soccer and he has three soccer balls. Look! His soccer balls are under the chair .His favorite subject is math. He thinks it is difficult but useful. He likes apples because they are healthy, but he doesn’t like chicken because he thinks it is not healthy. Do you like him? 作文练习2

• 假设我叫Alice Brown。今年13岁。我有2个兄弟。我的兄弟们和我在同一所学校。我们星期

一到星期五上学,星期六和星期天不上学。我父母是老师。他们在中国。我最喜欢的学科是汉语。我最喜欢的老师是Miss Zhao。她教我们汉语,我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球。我最喜欢的一天是星期一,因为我们有两节汉语课。

•I’m Alice Brown. I’m 13 years old. I have two brothers. My brothers and I are in the same

school. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday. My parents are teachers. They are in China now. My favorite subject is Chinese. My favorite teacher is Miss Zhao. She teaches us Chinese. My favorite sport is ping-pong. I often play ping-pong after school. My favorite day is Monday because we have two Chinese classes.


• 假设你是Tonny,现在在中国。说一下你和家人喜欢的食品。

•My name is Tony. I’m seven years old. I’m an English boy. But now I’m in China with my

family.There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my sister and I. We like different food. My father likes chicken very much, but my mother doesn’t like it. She likes vegetables. My sister and I like hamburgers and French fries. In my family, all the people like eggs.


• 你会写广告吗?商品促销广告一定要涵盖以下内容:价廉物美,品种样式齐全。对顾客有吸


Coolboy’s Clothes Store

Coolboy’s Clothes Store

•Come and buy your clothes at our great sale. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. We

have shoes for only $35. Do you need T-shirts? They are on sale for only $26.The trousers are only $30. Do you like socks? You can buy them for only $5. Come to Coolboy’s Clothes Store now! 作文练习5

• 这是Lily的学校日历,请根据以下信息介绍一下学校的活动。第一句已经给出。

Lily can do many things at school. For example, she has a school art festival on July 26th.

The English speech contest is on July 28th. Tom’s birthday is on July 30th. The school basketball game is on July 31st. The English party is on August 2nd and the baseball game is on August 3rd. 作文练习6

• 假如你是刘涛你的笔友Edward 来信询问你在学校的学习生活情况,请根据下表内容写一封


• 上课情况:上午8:00-12:00 四节课

•下午2:30-4:00 两节课

• 课后:踢足球

• 最喜欢的学科:英语、科学、音乐;原因:有趣

• 最不喜欢的课:数学;原因:太难

• Dear Edward,

Thanks for your letter. Let me tell you something about my school life. We have six

classes a day. In the morning, we have four classes from eight to twelve. In the afternoon, we have two classes from two thirty to four. After class I play soccer with my friends.

My favorite subjects are English, science and music because they are so interesting . I don’t

like math because it is too difficult for me .what’s your favorite subject ?

Liu Tao 作文练习7

• 以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文

• My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I

can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see the English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much.


• My English Teacher(我的英语老师)

•Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young. She’s thirty years old, and she wears

glasses.She"s funny. But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard. Her classes are very interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her classes. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.


• 谈谈你和你的同学早,中,晚餐各喜欢吃的食物 My friend Lucy and I like different food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples, but I

like eggs ,milk and hamburgers. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears, but I like rice, salad and apples. For dinner, She likes chicken, tomatoes, French fries and ice cream, but I like rice, chicken, tomatoes. I don’t like ice-cream.


• 写一段话,谈谈你和同伴各喜欢什么球类运动,不喜欢什么球类运动。

•Yang Fang likes soccer. I also like soccer. He likes volleyball, but I don’t like volleyball. I like

basketball and ping-pong. He likes sports very much. I like them, too. We like watching sports on TV.


• 介绍你的房间 Here’s my room .It’s very tidy. My TV is on the desk .My baseball is on the floor, under the

bed. My CDs are in the bookcase .The flowers are on the table .My books are on the desk. This is

my computer. It is on the desk, next to the window. I like my room very much.


• 介绍照片中的人物。

• Here’s my family photo. Look at the old man. He is my grandfather .This is my grandmother.

These are my parents .My father’s name is Bill. My mother’s name is Mary. This is my uncle. He is an English teacher. This boy is me.


篇一:四年级语文上册作文_8100字四年级上册第一单元作文 大自然传说在很久很久远以前,发生了这样一件感人的事:有一天,嫦娥在家里勤劳地干着农活,忽然,她的丈夫兴冲冲地推开门,忙跑。

